New Color Option: Wearable Paga Bota from Lo Kajirus (11/04/2019)

Just released on the 4th of this month, a new color option for the wearable paga bota from Lo Kajirus Designs. Click the pic to check it out on the Marketplace, or you can always find it in the accessories department of the LKD main store at:

New LKD Static Poses – Oct 2019

LKD is on it’s way in a whole new direction, the first step of which is the release of many static slave poses. I released several of these in the month of October, including six kneeling poses and four display poses. Click on the pics for the MP links, or you can always try them out in the new Lo Kajirus main store at:

Nadu I

Nadu II
Bracelets II
Tower I
Tower II
On Display
Back Bent
Wide Open

The Future of Lo Kajirus Designs

Over the past month or so, you’ve probably noticed a lot of changes to the Lo Kajirus store, both on the marketplace and inworld. Aside from completely redesigning my logo, ads and inworld store, I’ve also taken the time to retire many of my older items with an eye on the future and a new direction.

As always, the focus of LKD will be on men in Second Life… primarily male slaves, roleplayers and bellydancers as well as photographers. I’ve got a long, long list of updates on the horizon but I ask for your patience. I am only one man and have only these two hands to get the work done. In a nutshell, however.. as we go forward, you’ll see things like poses for photography, new collars and bdsm gear, as well as animated bdsm furniture, primarily for men. Already many things have been added, but you can find out about those in the posts ahead or by visiting my store.. either on the Marketplace or in Second Life.

Back in the Saddle

Well, it seems like it’s been forever since I’ve updated this blog.. I suppose that’s because it has been. Why the absence? I took a long break from building on Second Life due to the pressures of life, school, trying to juggle time between work, school, my partner and my family. That said, I’m now back in the swing of things.. this blog being the last bit of thread I needed to pick up.

So what does the future hold? Stay tuned.. lots of posts to follow this one.

New Color Release: Snake Charmer Silks

I’ve just released four new colors of the Snake Charmer Silks from Lo Kajirus Designs.  The new colors include:  black, purple, golden olive and burnt orange.  As with all my silks, these should work well with most classic and mesh avatars, no appliers required.


You can visit my inworld store in Second Life here:

Or check out my store on the SL Marketplace here:

(Please note that you’ll need to be logged in and have adult content enabled on the marketplace site in order to view my store.)

New Color Release: Misted Silks

I’ve just added three new colors to the “Misted” silks set, including purple, brown and black.  Hope you like them!

You can visit my inworld store in Second Life here:

Or check out my store on the SL Marketplace here:

(Please note that you’ll need to be logged in and have adult content enabled on the marketplace site in order to view my store.)


New Release – Steampunk Silks

These silks have been on my worktable for quite a while now, and I’m glad to finally have them done to my satisfaction.  In making them, I did my best to give them a “steampunk” feel, while keeping them within the perimeters of what might be acceptable for Gorean roleplay as far as available materials, etc, are concerned.

Currently, these silks are only available in black, but I might eventually revisit them and add some other colors.

You can see these silks at my inworld store on Second Life at:

Or on the Marketplace at:

You’ll need to be logged in to view the Marketplace listing as all of my items are categorized as adult.

New Release – Memories of Ar Silks v1 in Black

I just added a new color to the “Memories of Ar” line, along with making some small changes to the silks themselves which should provide you with a tighter fit.  I basically just unlinked the upper belt from the silks so that you wear them individually.  And I gotta say, I’m loving the new color!


You can find these silks in my inworld shop on Second Life here:

Or in my Marketplace store here:

New Release – Damiano Silks

This particular set of silks is pretty special to me.  They were inspired by love and I put a lot of work into getting them just right.  They are pleasure slave silks, but I think they would make equally great dancing silks.

As with all of my silks, they should work well with most mesh and classic avatars.